Kelly Brook ( full name Kelly Ann Parsons) was born on November 23, 1979. She is an English model, television presenter, and movie & TV actress. After leaving school in Rochester, Kelly Brook studied at the Italia Conti stage school in London for three years before becoming a professional model. Kelly Brook’s early work was in a range of advertising campaigns, including for the new “Bravissimo” company that specializes in bras and lingerie for full-figured women, and for Foster’s beer. Kelly Brook is 5’8″ tall, and her figure is very well suited for Bravissimo. Her figure caught the eye of the editorial team of the Daily Star who began featuring her as a page 3 girl. Kelly Brook’s picture soon began appearing in other lad mags such as FHM (and repe atedly landing in its list of the “100 Sexiest Women of the Year”) and Loaded.

Kelly Brook’s talent can be traced back to when she attended the prestigious Italia Conte stage school, where Naomi Campbell and Louise Nurding also studied. After 3 years of training in dance, singing, and acting, Kelly was ready to start her career. Kelly Brook’s mum entered her in a beauty contest, which of course she won, and led to her interest in modeling. After some small modeling jobs at local firms, including the flooring company KMS, Kelly Brook was gracing the cover of GQ, FHM, Sky, Cosmopolitan, Tatler, The Face, and Company by the age of 16.

Kelly Brook’s gorgeous physique also slipped into Lee jeans, as part of its advertising campaign, and she was known for playing the game show hostess ”Nicky with the Ticky” for a Sure deodorant TV ad. Kelly Brook was finally making a larger salary, as compared to her waitressing job at a tea shop. More modeling jobs came Kelly Brook’s way, such as print campaigns for Renault Megane, Walkers, Piz Buin, and the Triumph Flaunt underwear and bra line. The latter featured Kelly Brook on a billboard in London, said to be the largest billboard in the world – all the more to see Kelly.

Although Kelly Brook was appearing in ads all over the UK, she hit the big time when she won the position of Big Breakfast presenter on Britain’s Channel 4. It was Kelly Brook’s dream come true, since she was more interested in being a presenter than acting or singing. Rumor has it that Kelly Brook quit Big Breakfast after the tabloids published that the show was going to fire her for being ”too dumb.” Well, she beat them to it by resigning. After Big Breakfast, Kelly Brook was busy hosting MTV’s Select. It was the perfect move for her, as she wanted to be involved with presenting hip music to young fans, because of her interest in dance. Kelly Brook topped the 2005 FHM list, which was said to have polled 15 million people. In a poll over 5000 women in April 2005 for Grazia magazine she was considered to have the best British female body. Kelly Brook has also done a large amount of commercial swimwear, sportswear, and hosiery modeling, and a limited amount of nude & semi-nude modeling.

Kelly Brook is currently engaged to actor Billy Zane, having previously dated actor Jason Statham. Her big break into mainstream presenting came in January 1999 when she was chosen to replace Denise van Outen as the female half of The Big Breakfast presenting team, alongside Johnny Vaughan. Kelly Brook remained for half a year and then parted company with the show in July 1999 under unclear circumstances. Initial reports suggested that she had resigned, but later it was suggested that in fact Brook had been sacked, and only learned about it while vacationing. In either case, most television reviewers said that Kelly Brook was too inexperienced for the role, and cited a leaked memo from the production staff to the show’s writers, recommending that they avoid giving her “difficult words” in her scripts. Vaughan, in an interview with Heat, condemned these attacks as inaccurate and vindictive, especially towards a young presenter. Kelly Brook appeared presenting again on national TV in 2005 in “Celebrity Love Island”, with Irish comedian Patrick Kielty, and her hosting abilities were slated once again by TV critics.

Kelly Brook also stars in School for Seduction, a 2004 film. Kelly Brook recently starred in a Miss Marple drama on ITV. Her forthcoming film Three, in which she co-starred with fiance Zane, caused some minor controversy when Brook and Zane requested her nude scenes be excised from the final cut, which the producers refused to do. Kelly Brook recently confessed that she was a naughty babysitter during her younger years. One of her clients owned a huge collection of porn films and she just couldn’t help taking advantage of it. “When I was younger, I used to babysit for a couple who had a huge collection of naughty videos,” she told Loaded magazine.” My friends would all come round and we’d sit and watch them.”

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